I have this use-case diagram with some style. It seems that all the styles are not applied correctly.
actor {
BackgroundColor #ffff00
FontColor #00ff00
LineColor #000000
.myStyle {
BackgroundColor #ff0000
FontColor #00ff00
usecase {
BackgroundColor #00ff00
FontColor #ffffff
LineColor #0000ff
arrow {
LineColor #0000FF
FontColor #00FF00
' Bob is yellow (ok) with black line color (ok) but shoud have green font color(error?)
actor Bob
' Sally should be red (error?) and green font color (error?)
actor Sally <<myStyle>>
' uc1 and uc2 are green (ok), blue line color (ok) but should have white font color (error?)
Bob --> (uc1) : desc_1
Sally --> (uc2) : desc_2
here is the rendering on the online server
another exemple with rectangles
my local version of Plantuml is 1.2020.20.beta13
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help.