Specifying link direction does not work between groups

0 votes
asked Sep 27, 2013 in Bug by mbucc (300 points)
[A] -- [B]

  --> vertical: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/img/YtQCLT3LLOXsYWK0

[A] -r- [B]

    --> horizontal: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/img/YtQCLT0jqbM8Tee50000

Frame F0 {
Frame F1 {
[A] -- [B]

  --> vertical: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/img/SojAp4rLS3DGgEPIK8XsZEMgvU9oWuWP0iMYdS0YG0a5NLq580y0

Frame F0 {
Frame F1 {
[A] -r- [B]

  --> still vertical: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/img/SojAp4rLS3DGgEPIK8XsZEMgvU9oWuWP0iMYdS0YG0a5tI9T1I0N0000


I expected the last example would generate a horizontal link between A and B.



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