Sequence diagram: LHS message and return line not incident on the right activation box

0 votes
asked Oct 3, 2013 in Bug by anonymous

The following UML text results in a diagram in which the message line and its return are not incident on the activation box from which the message is called.


participant "Class A" as a
participant "Class B" as b
participant "Class C" as c

a -> b ++: message 1
    b -> b ++: message 2
        b ->> c **: message 3
            activate c
            c -> b ++: message 4
                    b -> a ++: message 5
                        return success
                return success
            deactivate c
            destroy c
        return success
    return success


The above text produces a diagram with 3 activation boxes. Message line with text 'message 5' and its return text 'success' are not incident on the activation box between message line 'message 4' and return text 'success'.



commented Oct 3, 2013 by anonymous

The beta version you mentioned fixes the problem.

Thank you for a great tool and quickly providing a fix.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Best answer


Thanks for the report. This is fixed in the following beta version

Few tests have been done, so feedback is welcome.


