It is possible to create a puml file after manually creating Java objects from plantuml.jar ?

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asked Dec 27, 2020 in Question / help by cagnionm (120 points)
edited Dec 30, 2020 by cagnionm


Is it possible to create a puml file after manually creating Java objects from plantuml.jar ?

If I had created a SequenceDiagram object with participants and messages, how could I generate the associated puml syntax ?

I would like to create a log file parser that generates a PlantUML sequence diagram based on regexp like the one I found for EventStudio System Designer (see

I already made a prototype in python that generates puml files for specific log files. I thought I could use PlantUML jar to have a less specific application that can bind regular expressions to PlantUML java object and then generated the associated puml file as a reference for the user and as an input for plantuml.jar.



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