I can't exceute the plantuml .jar file after downloading it.

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asked Mar 11 in Question / help by Sayed
When i want to execute the .jar file it apppears the: Java Virtual Machine Launcher with the Message:" A Java Exception has occured."
commented Mar 12 by The-Lu (73,540 points)
  • Could you precise more the output ?
    (and Plantuml version, Java version, OS, ...)
commented Mar 13 by Sayed
Sorry for my toughtless question.

I downloaded plantuml-gplv2-1.2024.3.jar,

the Java Version is openjdk 17.0.3 2022-04-19

and the OS is Windows 11 Enterprise.
commented Mar 13 by The-Lu (73,540 points)


  • What is the output of this command `java -jar plantuml-gplv2-1.2024.3.jar -version`?
  • What is the stack-trace of the Java Error?
commented Mar 14 by Sayed
  • output:

PlantUML version 1.2024.3 (Thu Feb 15 20:40:05 CET 2024)

(GPLv2 source distribution)

Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment

JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM

Default Encoding: Cp1252

Language: de

Country: DE


Dot version: dot - graphviz version 2.44.1 (20200629.0846)

Installation seems OK. File generation OK 

  • How i find the stack trace?  The only thing appears when i run the .jar file is this Java Virtual Machine Launcher with the Message:" A Java Exception has occured." 

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