Set color for arrows

0 votes
asked Dec 27, 2012 in Closed bug by anonymous
Is there a way to set different color for some arrows (messages) in Sequence Diagram?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2013 by plantuml (295,800 points)
This has been implemented in version 7948 :
commented Jan 3, 2013 by anonymous
Just downloaded 7948 and tried it, but it's not color the transition as specified. Below is the syntax I used:

N_971165098 -[#red]> N_1496084886: ShowShoppingCart
N_1496084886 -[#red]> N_971165098: ContinueShopping

Did I have the right syntax?
commented Jan 3, 2013 by plantuml (295,800 points)
There is something strange. I've checked you example, and the arrow are drawn in red with V7948.

N_971165098 -[#red]> N_1496084886: ShowShoppingCart
N_1496084886 -[#red]> N_971165098: ContinueShopping

Could you doublecheck that you are using V7948 ?
commented Jan 4, 2013 by anonymous
I double check plantuml.jar and it is v7948 (run it to bring up ui and it shows the build number is 7948).

Is there anything else I can check/try?
commented Jan 4, 2013 by anonymous
I think I found what's causing it not to work.  I was using "skin BlueModern" and apparently the arrow style set by BlueModern takes the precedent.  As soon as I removed the skin BlueModern, the arrows are now colored correctly.

Is there anyway to use the skin but allow arrow color to be changed for some of the arrows?
commented Jan 6, 2013 by plantuml (295,800 points)
Ok, this is a bug : we will investigate about this.
commented Jan 12, 2013 by plantuml (295,800 points)
This has been fixed in version V7949.