Set arrow color and style in Activity Diagram

+1 vote
asked Jan 8, 2013 in Closed feature request by anonymous
How do I set the arrow color and style for some of the arrows in Activity Diagram? I tried to use state diagram's syntax -[#red,dashe] but it doesn't work.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 12, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Good idea, this has been implemented in version 7949.
0 votes
answered May 30, 2015 by Fuhrmanator (1,700 points)

Similarly, this doesn't work in Class diagram arrows. The color seems to be ignored. 

A -[#white]- B 

I'm trying to use this to group parts of a complex diagram for a better layout.

For example, I make invisible packages

skinparam package {
 borderColor White
 fontColor White
package A {
  ' a class hierarchy I want to group
package B {
  ' more classes I want to group
A -[#white]- B ' hopefully align the groups vertically
Also, can one combine [#color] and a direction, e.g.,  "A-[#white]down-B" ?
I got this idea from layout managers in Swing that use invisible links to tie elements together.
commented May 30, 2015 by Fuhrmanator (1,700 points)
Look at my attempt to layout Abstract Factory from the GoF (only one line that's not white is a problem):

skinparam style strictuml
interface "AbstractFactory" as AF {
  {abstract} CreateProductA()
  {abstract} CreateProductB()
class "ConcreteFactory1" as CF1
class CF1 implements AF {
class "ConcreteFactory2" as CF2
class CF2 implements AF {

package A {
interface "AbstractProductA" as APA
class "ProductA2" as PA2
class PA2 implements APA
class "ProductA1" as PA1
class PA1 implements APA
package B {
interface "AbstractProductB" as APB
class "ProductB2" as PB2
class PB2 implements APB
class "ProductB1" as PB1
class PB1 implements APB
Client -left> AF
Client -> APB
Client -> APA

CF2 --> PA2
CF2 --> PB2

CF1 --> PA1
CF1 --> PB1

' layout tricks
A -[#white,dashed]- B
skinparam package {
 borderColor White
 fontColor White
commented May 31, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report!

This has been fixed in last beta:

A -[hidden]- B is also working now in links between packages.