[WBS] Allow boxless node on all level and not only on leafnode

0 votes
asked Mar 9, 2021 in Wanted features by The-Lu (76,720 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

From a remark of QA-10023:

(By the way, the WBS doesn't allow to remove boxes around the root node.)

  • Could you allow, on WBS, boxless node on all level and not only on leaf-node?
  • or is boxless limited on leafnode, on WBS? contrary to Mindmap where it is allowed on each level...

Here are examples:

- OK on mindmap:

*_ World
**_ America
***_ Canada
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
**_ Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain

- Same code is KO on WBS:

*_ World
**_ America
***_ Canada
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
**_ Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain

Currently only permit on leaf-node, as:

Thank for your work,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2021 by The-Lu (76,720 points)
Best answer

Hello all,

// It's Monday review... //

This is corrected on V1.2021.3 (22 Mar, 2021).
Thanks for your works,

