Apply useVerticalIf command for a specific conditional structure and not not Globally

+1 vote
asked Apr 19, 2021 in Wanted features by kasra (1,000 points)


it seems that the command !pragma useVerticalIf on   is applied globally in the whole diagram

If I have two conditional structures with several tests on each is it possible to use 

!pragma useVerticalIf on  for the first one 

and disable the useVerticalIf command for the second?


!pragma useVerticalIf on


if (condition Athen (yes)

  :Text 1;

elseif (condition Bthen (yes)

  :Text 2;


elseif (condition Cthen (yes)

  :Text 3;

elseif (condition Dthen (yes)

      if (condition Athen (yes)

      :Text 1;

    elseif (condition Bthen (yes)

      :Text 2;


    elseif (condition Cthen (yes)

      :Text 3;

    elseif (condition Dthen (yes)

      :Text 4;

    else (nothing)

      :Text else;


else (nothing)

  :Text else;



the case above is a nested conditional structure.

This would be really useful for expressing nested cases concisely.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 14, 2021 by kasra (1,000 points)
Hi everyone,

no update on this?