Horizontal layout of lower package

0 votes
asked Apr 25, 2021 in Question / help by Paul
I'm having difficulties laying out a deployment diagram, I'd like the lower package to have horizontal icons as that would reduce the overall image height and look "prettier" - I have tried playing with -u-> etc with no useful result

Sorry for the poor formatting, first use of the forum and can't grasp how to post clean code/images


!pragma revision 1

'skinparam linetype ortho

'skinparam linetype polyline

' C4

!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml

' Azure

!define AzurePuml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/Azure-PlantUML/master/dist

!includeurl AzurePuml/AzureCommon.puml

' Comment/uncomment for complex details

!includeurl AzurePuml/AzureSimplified.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Compute/AzureAppService.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Compute/AzureFunction.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Containers/AzureContainerRegistry.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Databases/AzureSqlDatabase.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/DevOps/AzureApplicationInsights.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Identity/AzureActiveDirectory.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Integration/AzureServiceBus.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Security/AzureKeyVault.puml

!includeurl AzurePuml/Web/AzureWebApp.puml

left to right direction

' Azure Components

package "Global" {

  AzureApplicationInsights(ai, "App Insights", "")

  AzureActiveDirectory(aad, "\nAzure\nActive Directory", "Global")

  AzureContainerRegistry(acr, "ACR", "")    


package "UK South" {

  AzureAppService(asp, "App Service Plan", "")

  AzureKeyVault(kv, "Key Vault", "")

  AzureSqlDatabase(sql, "Data store", "")

  AzureWebApp(app, "Web App", "")

  AzureServiceBus(sb, "Service Bus", "")  


asp --> app: "Hosts"

app --> ai : Monitoring

app --> acr : Pull image

app --> aad : Managed Identity

app --> sb : Publish message

app --> kv : Read appsettings

app <-> sql : Read/write data


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello P.,

For that you can suppress 'left to right direction' and modify some link as:

asp -> app: "Hosts"
app --> ai : Monitoring
app --> acr : Pull image
app --> aad : Managed Identity
app -u-> sb : Publish message
app -> kv : Read appsettings
app <-u-> sql : Read/write data

kv -[hidden]u-> sb

If that can help,

commented Apr 26, 2021 by Paul


Thanks for that - I need to produce a bunch of these diagrams (50+) and was struggling.

Couple of questions about the forum...

  1. How do you embed images, seems to want a url rather than drag/drop
  2. How do you format code - do I use block quote?  