Getting UnsupportedOperation when adding stop and/or end to case

0 votes
asked May 14, 2021 in Bug by Graham

I have simplified the drawing to:

@startuml Call Policy Set 4
title Number Analysis
switch (source)

case ( a )

case ( b )

case ( c )


If the stop is moved to either the first or last branch the the drawing is rendered correctly. The same occurs if stop is replaced as end.

The exception thrown is:

PlantUML DiagramPlantUML DiagramI have tried this in release 1.2021.00, 1.2021.5 and 1.2021.6b6

commented May 14, 2021 by albert (3,520 points)

Interesting. I played a bit with the switch and the following

title Number Analysis
switch (source)

case ( a )

case ( b0 )

case ( b1 )
case ( b2 )

case ( c )


it does render, but see on the right side of the image hat the case22 is not going to the diamond anymore as it probably relies the horizontal line to be present

commented May 15, 2021 by albert (3,520 points)
Looks that the problem as reported by Graham is solved at least on the plantuml webserver (1.2021.7beta1) it looks OK (

The problem I mentioned in the comment i.e. a horizontal line missing from  case22 to the diamond is still present

1 Answer

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answered May 26, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello G., A., and all,

The first case is corrected on V1.2021.7 (23 May, 2021).

I can open a specific case for the second case.

Thanks PlantUML for your works,
