Can I "extend" PlantUML diagram?

0 votes
asked May 22, 2021 in Question / help by nvcnvn (120 points)
PlantUML can include another file, now imagine I have a simplified class diagram for business team to understand the project,
then I want to "extend" the same diagram but with more details for engineers.

For example:
' simplified.plantuml
@startuml (id=simplified)

class Foo {}

in another file, something like:
include simplified.plantuml
class Foo extended simplified.Foo {

Or you have better idea? I am trying to hard to make the issue complicated? or better I just copy/paste?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 30, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)
selected Jun 4, 2021 by nvcnvn
Best answer

Hello N.,

Or depends of what you want, you can just extend a simple diagram, named simplified.puml:

title Simplified diagram
hide empty members

class Foo {}
class C {}
class D {
class E

Foo --> C
C -> D

with another file named full.puml:

!include simplified.puml
title Full: extended diagram
hide empty members

class Foo {
class C {
class D {
class F {
C --> F

If that can help,

0 votes
answered May 23, 2021 by kirchsth (4,980 points)

1) You could write a complete diagram and show/hide the details via preprocessor !if
2) Set the $details variable (indirect) via command line argument; or in a second *.puml
like below

' 1) use preprocessor !if and show details if $details==true
'    details see

' !$details=true
' include ....

!if %variable_exists("WITH_DETAILS")

Alice -> Bob : call
!if ($details==true)
Bob -> C : internal call

' =======================
' 2a) define variable in a "details file" before you !include the file
' !$details=true
' !include ....

' =======================
' 2b) or define it with additional command line argument -DWITH_DETAILS="1" then no additional file is required

