Long arrows (many dashes) don't work with arrow direction

0 votes
asked May 27, 2021 in Bug by coxley
See this diagram: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/SoWkIImgAStDuIfAJIv9p4lFILLmH68x8R6TkRWS5NJ1m0ue0MONPQPdb804WB8EgNafG9C0

Long arrows work great, but when a specifier like hidden or right is added, it defaults to the short version.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 27, 2021 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello C.,


rectangle A
rectangle B
rectangle C

A ------> B
A ---right---> C

A possible workaround, for long arrows, is to use norank, as:

rectangle A
rectangle B
rectangle C

A ------> B
A -[norank]-------> C

See also:

If that can help,

commented May 27, 2021 by coxley
Oh interesting! So this works, but [norank] + left doesn't work. I guess norank means that you can't influence direction?
commented May 27, 2021 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello C.,

norank means floating (without rank...)...
And then, direction must be manage by declaring element as:

rectangle D
rectangle A
rectangle B
rectangle C

D <-[norank]----- A
A ------> B
A -[norank]-----> C

If that can help,
For top or up that is more difficult... crying

commented May 28, 2021 by kirchsth (4,960 points)

norank is only a very specific solution

a) it works only on top, not on bottom

[A] ---> [B]
[A] -[norank]-------> [C]
[B] -[norank]-------> [D]


b) norank with direction left supports no distance

[A] ---> [B]
[A] -[norank]Left-------> [C]
[A] -[norank]-------> [D]

