Strange lines visible in EPS images

0 votes
asked Dec 2, 2013 in Bug by rte (120 points)


I found some stray lines in the EPS generated images.

2 items has faulty lines visible in EPS, example code, look at EPS output.


skinparam componentStyle uml2

node "System\nController\nbox" {}

database "\nPostgreSQL\ndatabase\n" as DB {}



"node" has a diagonal line (left top to right bottom)

"database" has a horizontal line in the circle at the top.

Can this be fixed?

I run this on ubuntu 64 bit linux with oracle java 7.

Best regards



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 2, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the report.

You can download a beta version that fixes the bug:

Very few tests are done on EPS, so feedback is welcome on any bugs regarding EPS.



commented Dec 3, 2013 by rte (120 points)
Works! Very nice! :-)
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
This is officially fixed in V7987