Bug - Activity2 - "note right" rejecting label far away on the right

0 votes
asked Dec 14, 2013 in Bug by Jean-Michel (180 points)
edited Dec 15, 2013 by Jean-Michel

The code below produces an undesired behavior : the "very long text" in the "note right" leads to the "no" branch, to which the note is attached to, being rejected very far on the right.

The resulting diagram has a very unbalanced look, with a huge void space right in the middle

The diagrams behave in that way even in case of "not so long text" in the "note right". The note right is rejected on the right with enough place in the middle to put a "not so long text" note, although the note is not here.

It's as if the corresponding empty place for a "very long text" in a "note left" was created, although it's not a "note left"



if (condition?) then (yes)
else (no)
  note right
    any very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long text
  end note



PlantUML version 7988



3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 15, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report : this is somehow difficult to fix, but we will definitively solve this.

It will take several weeks : we will post here a message when this will be done.

commented Dec 15, 2013 by Jean-Michel (180 points)
OK, thanks ! I really appreciate PlantUML, especially activity 2.
0 votes
answered Jan 9, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)

This has been solved in the following beta:

Note that the code has been deeply modified, so some bugs may occur.
Please do feedback if you find any issues in this beta.

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2014 by Jean-Michel (180 points)
Thks for the work. I've tested the new plantuml.jar, played with it for 2 days on some examples and it works so far.