sequenceLifeLineBorderColor display error

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asked Sep 23, 2021 in Bug by peak
when hide stereotype, the feature of sequenceLifeLineBorderColor failed.

But sequenceParticipant normal.

Please help


hide <<foo>> stereotype

'show <<foo>> stereotype

skinparam sequenceParticipant {

    backgroundColor white

borderColor Black

borderColor<<foo>> yellow

borderColor<<goo>> green


skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderColor<<goo>> green

participant Bob <<foo>>

participant Alice <<goo>>

Bob -> Alice : hello

commented Sep 23, 2021 by albert (3,520 points)
Can you please explain what you mean with "the feature of sequenceLifeLineBorderColor failed."?

Which version of plantuml are you using?
commented Sep 23, 2021 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello All,

Compare the 2 diagrams:

Code Output
'hide stereotype
'show stereotype
skinparam sequenceParticipant {
  backgroundColor white
  borderColor Black
  borderColor<<foo>> yellow
  borderColor<<goo>> green
skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderColor<<goo>> green
skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderThickness 5

participant Bob <<foo>>
participant Alice <<goo>>
Bob -> Alice : hello
hide stereotype
'show stereotype
skinparam sequenceParticipant {
  backgroundColor white
  borderColor Black
  borderColor<<foo>> yellow
  borderColor<<goo>> green
skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderColor<<goo>> green
skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderThickness 5

participant Bob <<foo>>
participant Alice <<goo>>
Bob -> Alice : hello

Yes, there is a difference.
You must to keep the stereotype... to see the good color (green for <<goo>>) of LifeLine...

Open question: 

  • How to make the same thing by style?

If that can help,

commented Sep 23, 2021 by peak

Can you please explain what you mean with "the feature of sequenceLifeLineBorderColor failed."?
A: It means that the  below statement does not take effect

skinparam sequenceLifeLineBorderColor<<goo>> green
Which version of plantuml are you using?
A: Latest (PlantUML version 1.2021.10 (Mon Aug 30 21:43:48 CST 2021))
Q: Please help. How to make that don't  display <<goo>>  and  the color of  Alice LifeLine is green?

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