Unexpected nesting + page title size applying to nested-titles

0 votes
asked Nov 10, 2021 in Bug by coxley (220 points)

Link to diagram: Beep.

I've been playing with making a theme and, in testing it, have found strange behavior.

1. If an objects name has a period (".") in it, it's added to a nested package with the title being what comes before the period. I can see this making since if explicitly enabled for ease of hierarchy... but surprising nonetheless.

1a. This happens if there's one object with a period in the name vs. multiple. If there are multiple, they are added to the same package. So I think there's an intention here but I'd like to have a way to toggle it!

2. The title of this generated package picks up the styling of the page title. This one has to be unintended because it only looks normal if the page title is tiny.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2021 by plantuml (295,000 points)

About point 1, you can use set namespaceSeparator none.

About point 2, you can set title size for the document only (and not all titles). See here

The logic behind all this may be difficult to get at first...

Last comment: you should not mix skinparam and style. For font/colors/size, you should use the style syntax and remove your skinparam. Tell us if you need more explanations on this.

commented Nov 10, 2021 by coxley (220 points)

> Last comment: you should not mix skinparam and style. For font/colors/size, you should use the style syntax and remove your skinparam. Tell us if you need more explanations on this.

Is there a document / place to find all supported selectors and their attributes? Take this for instance -- FontColor doesn't affect note. Also, in the style evolution page, I don't see a reference to "document" (or "note" either): https://plantuml.com/style-evolution

I think I could use only style if I knew exactly what was supported.
