What are the skin param names for background color and border color for the circle element?

0 votes
asked Nov 29, 2021 in Question / help by Robin
Hi - I'm trying to make a series of example arrows that doesn't have shapes on either end. I have figured out how to set circle elements to be 'hidden' - circle " " as c1 #transparent;line:transparent works.

However, it seemed like it should be possible to do this using skin parameters also. When I tried to find the circle skin params, I couldn't - looking down the list generated with 'java plantuml.jar -language' output, there are no CircleBackground, etc. - is it called something else (I tried node, class, etc. - no dice).



P.S. Here's my working example (would prefer to place the color settings at the top using skin param if possible):

left to right direction
skinparam nodesep 5
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
circle " " as c1 #transparent;line:transparent
circle " " as c2 #transparent;line:transparent
c1 ---> c2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2021 by The-Lu (69,180 points)

Hello R.,

From, your test:

left to right direction
skinparam nodesep 5
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
circle " " as c1 #transparent;line:transparent
circle " " as c2 #transparent;line:transparent
c1 ---> c2

1/ In fact (functionally) on PlantUML, the circle element is an interfacewink
Then, you can use `InterfaceBackgroundColor` and `InterfaceBorderColor`, as:

left to right direction
skinparam nodesep 5
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam InterfaceBackgroundColor transparent
skinparam InterfaceBorderColor transparent
circle " " as c1
circle " " as c2
c1 ---> c2

See similar request here:

2/ But another solution, without skinparam, will be to change circle to label, as:

left to right direction
skinparam nodesep 5
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent

label " " as c1
label " " as c2
c1 ---> c2

If that can help,

commented Dec 6, 2021 by Robin
thanks, that helps. I switched to label as the simplest answer most in alignment with the way the tool works.