How to use the same reference (substitution) for both Text and Sequence Diagrams?

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asked Jan 31, 2022 in Question / help by menorton (120 points)

I've gotten pretty familiar with how Sphinx and PlantUML handle references/variables/substitutions, but one thing that really bothers me is that I can't seem to have a singular reference for both text and Sequence Diagram. Currently, my understanding is that I can do:

  • Variables for short words/phrases via
  • IncludeFile for code blocks out in their individual .rst
  • IncludeSub for references in PlantUML Sequence Diagrams

Variables and IncludeFiles only work in the text body. IncludeSub only works in Sequence Diagrams. Why can't I create a singular reference that will work in both Text and Sequence Diagrams? Right now, I have say a source code block that I reference a several times and this changes frequently too. As a result, I need to keep the text-version updated and the SD-version updated. Granted, keeping it updated in only 2 locations is better than 10, but cmon now. 

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