DITAA crashes, generates ransom-note text

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2022 in Bug by pacer-dave

The following DITAA diagram generates a crash message, presumably a parser bug.

* If you replace the "//" at the bottom with space slash " /", the parser apparently works but the server grunts for 15 seconds then times out, returning a broken image.

* if you remove the dashes on the right side (replace "/---" with "/"), the image is generated but the third word in the box is displayed in a small font, giving a ransom note appearance.

@startditaa -E
|  cCDF       |
| +-----------+--+
| | cDEF         |    /---
| |  Decision    |    \
| |   Making     |
| |  Components  |
| |   Requiring  |
+-+  Evaluation  |

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