I'm trying to apply <style> to a sub-diagram following this example:
This is my first attempt, in which styles are not applied and Plantuml rendering gives an error:
This is the error: "error on line 1 at column 678: error parsing attribute name"
This is the source (with diagram preview working):
If I try to move <style> into the mindmap sub-diagram I get an error:
This is the text of the error:
PlantUML 1.2022.4beta1[From string (line 10) ] @startuml: Sub-diagram Test {{mindmap<style>mindmapDiagram {.green {BackgroundColor lightgreen}.rose {Syntax Error?
Please is this a bug or there is something I miss here?
Thanks! Giovanni
Yep, looks like a bug with parsing curly brackets to me:
Note that if you are using Plantuml.jar locally, then the following will work:
@startuml skinparam FontColor red : Test {{ @startmindmap <style> mindmapDiagram { .green { BackgroundColor lightgreen } .rose { BackgroundColor #FFBBCC } .your_style_name { BackgroundColor lightblue } } </style> * identità visiva <<green>> ** [[https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/corporate-marketing/brand-activation/brand-standards/ GitLab]] ** [[https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Visual_identity_guidelines Wikipedia]] ** [[https://brand.suse.com/brand-system Suse]] @endmindmap }} ; @enduml
But the online server does not support nested "@" directives.
Hello G.,
Yes, there are some bugs...
Here are some minimal examples:
First, with empty style, OK:
@startuml :Test {{mindmap <style> </style> * a ** b1 ** b2 }}; end @enduml
Then, with a minimal style, KO:
@startuml :Test {{mindmap <style> root { FontColor: red } </style> * a ** b1 ** b2 }}; end @enduml
Other OK example, on deployment diagram:
@startuml node n [ {{mindmap <style> root { FontColor: red } </style> * a ** b1 ** b2 }} ] @enduml
FYI, see export on SVG, the SVG are malformed!
This page contains the following errors:error on line 2 at column 504: error parsing attribute name
If that can help, for the correction...Regards.