map do not show members and fluffy arrows

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asked Apr 8, 2022 in Question / help by Stefan

If I write the following

left to right direction
map "AAA A" as AAAA {

map "CCC C" as CCCC {
  oooo => pppp
  ssss => tttt
  => uuuu
  => yyyy

AAAA::fff => CCCC::oooo
AAAA::gggg => CCCC::ssss


I get 2 problems
ffff and gggg do not "show up", the AAAA box have shrinked to only show "AAA A"
the arrows to oooo and ssss do not "hit" the map entries in CCCC but rather just fluffy hit the CCCC box

I expected the following
All elements in the map entry AAAA is visible
Arrow goes from the source to the destination, that is, in the example
AAAA::fff => CCCC::oooo

 the arrow begins right next to ffff and ends up pointing to oooo and not fluffy start from AAAA  fluffy hit CCCC)


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2022 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello S.,

If 'AAAA' is not a real map (without any `=>`, or `*->` within), you can change it to an object, as:

left to right direction
object "AAA A" as AAAA {

map "CCC C" as CCCC {
  oooo => pppp
  ssss => tttt
  => uuuu
  => yyyy

AAAA::fff => CCCC::oooo
AAAA::gggg => CCCC::ssss

And see the expected result:

If that can help,
