In the diagram below, "1 (url)", "3 (bla ok)" and "4 (argh)" are texts at the end of lines that arrive in A, are too far from the end of its respective lines.
Is it possible to make them stay close to the line end?
skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam nodesep 120
cloud F
actor G
node H {
package A <<program>> {
component B <<lib>>
package C <<program>>
package D <<program>> {
component E <<lib>>
A -[bold,#green]- "2 (bla)" F
F -[bold,#green]- "3 (bla ok)" A
G -[bold,#green]- C
A "4 (argh)" -[bold,#red]- C
E -[bold,#blue]- "1 (url)" A