While generating MSD the syntax shouldn't be case sensitive

0 votes
asked Feb 18, 2014 in Bug by mina (180 points)
See the below syntax


participant "<b>Mina</b>" as Mina #lightgreen

participant "<b>Mary</b>" as Mary #lightgreen

Mina -> mary : hello

Mary -> mina: hi



Now the tool will think 'mina' is not 'Mina' which is not correct as they are the same but should be drawed as defined in the participant line as 'Mina'.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Well,thanks for the report, but all idents within PlantUML are case sensitive, so this is more a feature than a bug :-)

I am not sure to understand why this is a issue for you.

Could you tell us more about this ?

commented Feb 20, 2014 by anonymous
You can consider it as enhancement especially to the participants idents to ignore case sensitivity just to make it easier from the user point of view while weriting the plantuml syntax :)