When "!pragma teoz true" is used "newpage" is not working properly

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asked Aug 1, 2022 in Bug by tilburgr (180 points)
When "!pragma teoz true" is used then the "newpage" command is not working properly.

Assume I use 2 times the "newpage" command (text-line) since I want to split the call sequence into 3 files. Assume I use svg as output.. So we get for instance 3 svg files: xxx-page1.svg,  xxx-page2.svg and xxx-page3.svg

The insertion of the "!pragma teoz true"  line creates "blank sequence parts" in the  xxx-page1.svg,  xxx-page2.svg and xxx-page3.svg files

The svg files xxx-page1.svg, xxx-page2.svg, xxx-page3.svg are as long as the file without using the "newpage" command. Namely:

The sequence flow of xxx-page1.svg contains the sequence until the newpage command and in addition it contains an empty call sequence part till the end (so in the end this svg file 1 is as long as the initial sequence flow without the newpage commands but with an "empty" part at the end).  

The sequence flow of xxx-page2.svg contains the sequence in between the 1st newpage and the 2nd newpage but if also contains an empty part before and after the flow (so in the end this svg file 1 is as long as the initial sequence flow without the newpage commands but with en empty part before and after the call sequence).  

The sequence flow of xxx-page3.svg contains the sequence in between the 2nd newpage and the end of the file but if also contains an empty part before the call sequence. (so in the end this svg file 3 is as long as the initial sequence flow without the newpage commands but with an "empty" part at the start)

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