I currently have the following activity diagram : www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/LSwn3i8W4CRn_PxYCowmjXiiJNHnwMZYU9PJIIWqGEFhYpQQUCFbF_o6RoYLSrtdGBHRCjzdnbhaBBdwYSFfXXJfGoZB8bnXsFxoIjzyFdmGg4d35wWnQSHKeIvID076sVR_gMpqBJOxfaRRxVlkSEmxur8KIuD4rzQz0000
By writing this :
!pragma useVerticalIf on
repeat :a;
repeat :b
repeat while (c) is (No) not (Yes)
repeat while (e) is (Yes) not (No)
But the goal is to make e point towards b instead of a, and c towards a. But I don't know how to.
I was also wondering if it was possible to add some usecase diagram elements to this (I would like to add actors that would point towards a, b and d for example)