sequence diagram nested lifeline for internal call

0 votes
asked Feb 25, 2014 in To be sorted by anonymous
I tried to do a nested lifeline for an internal call using this code, but it doesn't look right. How can I get the arrowhead of the internal call to point to the start of the nested lifeline? - like this -



participant myclass
activate myclass
myclass -> class2: test()
myclass -> myclass: call1()
activate myclass
deactivate myclass
myclass -> class2: test()
deactivate myclass


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2014 by plantuml (295,760 points)

You can slightly change your example like this:

participant myclass
activate myclass
myclass -> class2: test()
myclass -> myclass: call1()
activate myclass
myclass -> class2: test()
deactivate myclass


commented Mar 13, 2014 by anonymous
Can the arrowhead for call1() be pointing at where the lifeline activation starts? Like how it is for a message to another class. For self-call, the arrow points to somewhere along the lifeline rectangle, near the top.

Unfortunately, our approver is rejecting our sequence diagram because of this. He wants the self-call arrow to be pointing at the start of the lifeline.
Would appreciate if you could let me know whether plantuml can do this.
commented Mar 13, 2014 by plantuml (295,760 points)
This should be fixed in the following beta:
commented Mar 19, 2014 by anonymous
Thank you so much!!!