!include foo.txt!MY_OWN_ID does not work

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asked Sep 28, 2022 in Bug by grivo (240 points)
probably, this is vscode plugin specific failure, however, when iuml-file contains multiple uml diagrams - last on is included but not the one, that's specified by call !include foo.txt!MY_OWN_ID
commented Sep 28, 2022 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello G., and all,

See perhaps on the plugin doc. or issues and not on the PlantUML forum.

Here is the link, but depending of which plugin you used?


commented Sep 28, 2022 by grivo (240 points)
the question is i'm not sure is it plantUML specific or vscode plugin specific issue, unfortunately, there in no chance for me to re-check the point of failure

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