new format for hyperlinks under development

0 votes
asked Mar 6, 2014 in Wanted features by jlopezvi (300 points)
edited Mar 6, 2014 by jlopezvi

I have been playing with activity diagrams in the PlantUML beta server (congrats! it looks very neat)
I found out that the format

[[  Google Search]]

would display just "Google Search" and contain the adequate hyperlink. This is a very nice feature.

- Document this feature when possible.
- Add a comma, a colon or something like { }  that separes the two entities:
[[link_address, link_name_in_diagram]]
- Add a default formatting for hyperlinks in the diagram (underlined, blue color like in html), or allow for creole wiki syntax and colors inside the [[ ]] structure.

If I can help, please let me know.

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