I'm doing an activity diagram, with swimlanes. How do I have a condition in the first lane, resulting in entering the second lane, without confusing the diagram with crossed lines?
What I'm getting is like this:
/' Example diagram to show why I want "no" on the left
if (condition) then (yes)
:do something;
Link to example 1 image
I could put the second lane under "else", which fixes the crossed lines, but then I have an unnecessary activity that I don't know how to get rid of:
/' Example diagram with uncrossed lines but unnecessary empty action
if (condition) then (no)
else (yes)
:do something;
Link to example 2 image
If I get rid of the unnecessary ":;" then the lines cross again -- so "no" would be on the right even though it is the "else" clause.
So, is it possible to specify that the empty "no" branch must come out the left side? Or a way to make the ":;" invisible while retaining its effect of making the branch come out on the left? Or some other workaround?
I see mention of arrow direction in the obsolete syntax, but I don't want to use a deprecated notation for a new diagram.