Switching between -up-> and -do-> (also between -le-> and -ri->) should change the components layout

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asked Oct 28, 2022 in Bug by boshka (3,940 points)
edited Oct 28, 2022 by boshka
Please have a look. In case of {} component notation the following works wrong:

1. http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/umla/NOz1QeOm48NNvXGFDrsvq6KNHUWrX98cqGZ9J4Wck2YzUnMb-9jLcE_ZlPcnYCvIOr26Os9o96W_zo_w5hhWV_hLuqVXUhzADKz_UFZ3xZUx-DRSCphBtSVTKg-ufWTMnEAGryKBUBwZTvHj5UDNMY3UGUVC6-RCSQ8pH_ZgAvvhi32w5ZVHkUv1lnrIqCPPC44u7GtdyMfqP6iCVm00

I expect that changing -do-> to -up-> would cause the Comp 2 to be placed on top of Comp 1

2. http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/umla/NP31geCm44NNvYi6Ds_bGfTlKOJ-Xb3IP3I1E2F9Y8lIVs-gjbYpId8ETuRR9j5HvZ4em-F4X2HGNlCLwX9qWk_lhOQ7WlqybIhEVdFoc-mNMVmhZXbLzDNbQAbV7F245R4WH3yu0UwFw1_IuiKuJmE8Gz0nyW9zvB6ZROpm7fWSpy62qNF2ZhPrt_IEC0Ljq0BJcX6mbuuqsVMrzV1XwmwgHRAvhXS0

I expect that changing -ri-> to -le-> would cause the Comp 2 to be placed on the left of Comp 1

NOTE: These appear to work correctly in case of NOT {} component notation.

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