Can I center the description text at the bottom the state box?

0 votes
asked Nov 11, 2022 in Question / help by songyuc (120 points)

I want to center the description text at the bottom the state box.


@startuml CMake
[*] --> CmakeBuild: CMakeLists.txt
CmakeBuild: cmake .. # how to center it?
CmakeBuild --> [*]

commented Nov 14, 2022 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello S., and all,

It seems that is not yet implemented...

Here is a not yet working example:

@startuml CMake
element {
  FontSize 13
  Fontcolor red
  HorizontalAlignment center
  title {
    FontStyle bold
    FontSize 11
    Fontcolor blue
[*] --> CmakeBuild: CMakeLists.txt
CmakeBuild: cmake
' how to center it?
CmakeBuild --> [*]

@PlantUML team: Could you add HorizontalAlignment management on State diagram...


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 18 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello S.,

FYI that is now fixed and implemented on v1.2024.8:

- Thanks PlantUML team for your work.

@startuml CMake
element {
  FontSize 13
  Fontcolor red
  HorizontalAlignment center
  title {
    FontStyle bold
    FontSize 11
    Fontcolor blue
[*] --> CmakeBuild: CMakeLists.txt
CmakeBuild: cmake
' how to center it?
CmakeBuild --> [*]


