Hello everyone,
We have a folder structure in a git repo something like this :
- some_folder_with_stuff
- hello_world.puml
- diagrams_folder
- diagram1.puml
- diagram2.puml
- dependency_folder
- depenency_uml.puml
If i go to the terminal and run java -jar plantuml.jar ./hello_world.puml from the root folder all good. So everything is installed correctly.
When i convert the diagrams from the diagrams_folder (diagram1 and diagram2), by running java -jar plantuml.jar ./diagrams_folder/diagram1.puml they !include diragram_folder/dependency_folder/dependency_uml.puml and i get an error regarding the include path. Using VisualStudio Code, this works fine so there should be a fix.
My guess is that every run takes the working as the the one where the .puml file is. Is there any way i can pin it to a specific one?
I see that i can use a config file but what should i put in that config file to fix that working directory to be the same?
The command line arguments don't support this, right? Or at least my blind eyes can't seem to find anything that would indicate that...
Please help :)