Cant order elements

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asked Feb 10, 2023 in Question / help by anonymous

I'm trying to get used to PlantUML since YEARS, but I'm alway have have line messed up...

It's not the software fault, it's propably mine, I don't understand it and trying to read documentation about it I'm alway feeling sick (that's not even a joke...)

But yeah apart of my personal experience with it, I'm still finding it so interesting and powerful once I will fully understand it...

So... here is my diagram:


'Diagram config
title IsTest2 Network
skinparam nodesep 25

'Objects definition
actor User
cloud Internet
frame Cloud {
    database MariaDB
    frame Cluster {
        portIn LoadBalancer as "Service LoadBalancer"
        Interface ExternalName as "Service ExternalName"
        frame Node1 as "Node 1" {
            Node Pod1 as "Pod 1"
            Node Pod2 as "Pod 2"
            Node Pod3 as "Pod 3"
        frame Node2 as "Node 2" {
            Node Pod4 as "Pod 4"
            Node Pod5 as "Pod 5"

'Link objects
User --[#red] Internet: Access >
Internet --[#red] LoadBalancer: Access >

LoadBalancer ---[#blue] Pod1: Balance load >
LoadBalancer ---[#blue] Pod2: Balance load >
LoadBalancer ---[#blue] Pod3: Balance load >
LoadBalancer ---[#blue] Pod4: Balance load >
LoadBalancer ---[#blue] Pod5: Balance load >

Pod1 ---[#green] ExternalName: Resolve DB DNS >
Pod2 ---[#green] ExternalName: Resolve DB DNS >
Pod3 ---[#green] ExternalName: Resolve DB DNS >
Pod4 ---[#green] ExternalName: Resolve DB DNS >
Pod5 ---[#green] ExternalName: Resolve DB DNS >

Pod1 --[#red] MariaDB: Access DB Data >
Pod2 --[#red] MariaDB: Access DB Data >
Pod3 --[#red] MariaDB: Access DB Data >
Pod4 --[#red] MariaDB: Access DB Data >
Pod5 --[#red] MariaDB: Access DB Data >

I'm trying to have the "Service ExternalName" centered between "Node 1" and "Node 2", and a bit lower to make nice line for the "Resolve DB DNS >"

But I can't even center the "Service ExternalName" between the two Nodes... Without managing to find some very strange sitation, like "Node 1" and "Node 2" order got inversed and impossibility to set them back in order.....

frame App {
    Interface ExternalName as "Service ExternalName"
    frame Node1 as "Node 1" {
        Node Pod1 as "Pod 1"
        Node Pod2 as "Pod 2"
        Node Pod3 as "Pod 3"
     frame Node2 as "Node 2" {
         Node Pod4 as "Pod 4"
         Node Pod5 as "Pod 5"

Node1 -r-> Node2
Node2 -l- Node1
Node2 --[hidden] ExternalName

I've spend like already 3/4 hours on this and really feeling sick right now...

If someone have some directions, answers, solutions, or anything ideas I will happily read them to better understand what's going on...

Thanks a lot in advance, you're awesome! <3

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