How to navigate back in an `Activity Diagram` when branching

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asked Apr 8, 2023 in Question / help by Vlad
edited Apr 8, 2023
Hey everyone!

I have the following question using the new api for `Activity Diagrams`.

Let's say I start from node B1 and I do a branch. If the condition is true, I go in B2. If the condition is false I check another condition, and if that condition is true I go back to B1, else I go to a new state B3. The problem I have is that when I write the label to go back to B1 in doesn't create the graph to navigate back to B1. It just creates a new node labeled B1. Is there any way to overcome this and instead of going into a new state it creates the graph to go backwards to the root node B1 ?

In the old api this way possible by using the same name to the navigation destination. This doesn't work with new api. Another thing, I tried to solve this using a repeat structure and in the `backward` part use an if. Unfortunately this doesn't work either as the if is not applicable to the backward statement.

Any help is appreciated!

Have a nice day ^_^

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