How to add an annotation to a partition in activity diagram

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asked Jan 16 in Wanted features by kasra (1,040 points)
edited Jan 16 by kasra


I don't know if this feature is implemented or not but anyway, this diagram shows the problem : 

partition P{
note left : left
note right : right

note right : this should be the right annotation partition


This has an impact on the layout because the partition is getting bigger...

Is it possible to add an annotation to the partition?


commented Jan 18 by kasra (1,040 points)

But Is it a bug or It's not implemented ?

The last post that highlights the issue is 5 years ago.
commented Jan 18 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hello K, and all,

It is not implemented: in fact currently only inside note on partition/group is implemented...

(But this also looks like a bug) ... And all other not... 

If that can help,
Awaiting note outside partition/group...


commented Jan 18 by kasra (1,040 points)
For me it's a bug. I talk only about adding annotation to a partition.

If it's not implemented it should throw an exception Instead.
commented Jan 18 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hello K, and all,


Here is another issue (tested on V1.2024.0beta2):

partition P{
note right : this note is missing
note right : this should be the **outside** right annotation partition


commented Jan 23 by kasra (1,040 points)
Do you think this is considered as an important feature ? ( I DO lol )

Annotating partitions ( and any container actually ) is an important feature when the diagram becomes  BIG.

commented Jan 23 by The-Lu (70,400 points)
Hello K, and all,

It is now a wanted feature for PlantUML team:

- Could you allow note outside (right or left of)) partition on Activity diagram?

commented Jan 25 by kasra (1,040 points)
edited Jan 25 by kasra


I did a bit of research on how plantuml works with notes.

The red nodes are poorly placed.

What I understood and please correct me if I am not correct on activity diagram we can't alias a container.

So I guess to be able to use 

  • note left of 
  • note right of 
  • note top of 
  • note bottom of

We need to alias containers.

another issue That I see in a  container annotation is that WHERE do we place the annotation ?

Indeed, the container can be BIG so left right top bottom can help for sure but will be not enough. Users will want to have better control of where it appears.

Does the Plantuml team is aware of Pikchr?

here is the grammar :

Plenty of good ideas out there. 

Hope it helps.


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