Note attaching in weird place.

0 votes
asked May 14, 2023 in Question / help by jswheeler (120 points)
The note in step #4 is attaching in a weird place. Any thoughts on how to fix it?

state getConfluenceTemplate:Retrieve the confluence\n page with user template
state getUsers:Get users from SaaS system
state searchForConfluencePage: Search confluence for a specific page
state createOrUpdate {
  state createConfluencePage: Create new confluence page
  state updateConfluencePage: Update existing confluenece page
state searchForConfluencePages: Search confluence for all pages without a specif label
state updateConfluencePageLabel: Update confluence page labels
state updateConfluencePageStatus: Update confluence page properties status attribute

note right of getConfluenceTemplate:Step 1
note right of getUsers:Step 2
note right of searchForConfluencePage:Step 3
note right of createOrUpdate: Step 4
note right of searchForConfluencePages: Step 5
note right of updateConfluencePageLabel: Step 6
note right of updateConfluencePageStatus: Step 7
'note right of createOrUpdate: Step 4
'note right of closeJiraIssueChoice:If AWS Compliance Status\n = NOT_AVAILABLE;\nclose issue

[*] --> getConfluenceTemplate: Start
getConfluenceTemplate --> getUsers
getUsers --> searchForConfluencePage
searchForConfluencePage --> createConfluencePage: Page not found\n create page
searchForConfluencePage --> updateConfluencePage: Page found\n update page
createConfluencePage --> searchForConfluencePage: more users?
updateConfluencePage --> searchForConfluencePage: more users?
createConfluencePage --> searchForConfluencePages: No more users
updateConfluencePage --> searchForConfluencePages: No more users
searchForConfluencePages --> updateConfluencePageLabel: Add label inactive to page
updateConfluencePageLabel --> updateConfluencePageStatus: inactive
updateConfluencePageStatus --> [*]: End

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