Is it possible to to change the default shape of node?

0 votes
asked May 14, 2023 in Question / help by laila_fangyan (120 points)

Is it possible to change the default shape of the node into oval, or diamond?

Or can I create a component whose default shape is diamond or oval?

And how do I keep the shape of one type of components at the same size?

How do I do this?


commented May 15, 2023 by The-Lu (69,260 points)

Hi L., and all,

  • Could you replace `node` by `storage` or `usecase`?


commented May 15, 2023 by laila_fangyan (120 points)

Thanks for the suggestions.

storage or usecase can provide me the shape of oval, but I also need the diamond.

Ultimately, I would like to know if it's possible to overwrite the shape.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 15, 2023 by Todd Musheno (2,680 points)
Some context might help...
What do mean by "node"?
commented May 15, 2023 by laila_fangyan (120 points)

By 'node' I mean the node component in the deployment diagram.

The node has a default shape of 3D box.

I am hope to change the default shape of the node into other shapes, e.g., oval, diamond as wishes.

Actually, it does not have to be the node.

Is the shape overwriting allowed?

I didn't find the command for change the shape using 'skinparam'.

Also, I wish to create a shape of diamond as I didn't find any component that has a diamond shape in plantuml.

Greate thanks.