Is it possible to set the default transition color of state diagrams ?

0 votes
asked Sep 16, 2020 in Question / help by anonymous
I know that I can set the color of a transition in a state diagram using -[#color]->, but I can;t find a away to set the default color of a transition.

I looked at list of skinparams ( but couldn't find a param that seems to be a solution for this problem, or is there a param that would solve this question?
commented Sep 16, 2020 by albert (3,520 points)

To get an overview of the list with skin parameters try:

java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar plantuml.jar  -language

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello A.,

You can use:

1/ with old skinparam:

skinparam ArrowColor Blue
[*] --> State1

[See on PlantUML server]

2/ or specific on State:

skinparam StateArrowColor Blue
[*] --> State1

[See on...]

3/ Or with new style global (now preferred):

arrow {
  FontSize 13
  LineColor Blue
[*] --> State1


3/ Or with new style specific of State diagram (now preferred):

stateDiagram {
  arrow {
    FontSize 13
    LineColor Blue
[*] --> State1


See also:


If that can help,
