Is is possible to change the milestone icon from a diamond?

0 votes
asked Jul 5, 2023 in Question / help by anonymous
Hello, the team I work with uses different milestone icons to represent different types of events on Gantt Charts (e.g. a star for a critical decision meeting, a square for a periodic off-site meeting, etc..)   We are hoping to use PlantUML to replace a tedious PowerPoint schedule (Gantt) creation process.

Is it possible to change the PlantUML Gantt chart milestone icon with a style (or other method)?  Perhaps to a wingding or webding font, an emoji, or a MDI icon?  

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 27, 2023 by plantuml (295,720 points)

That is a good idea! Sorry about the delay :-)

What about:

[Test prototype] requires 10 days.
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end.
It is displayed as <:innocent:>

The example is available here.

It's really a first draft: we are open to suggestion!
