Clarifying display of overlapping time constraints and highlighted periods

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asked Jul 7, 2023 in Wanted features by VM

I tried the following example

concise "Resource 1" as r1

r1 is {-}

r1 is Reservation1

r1 is Reservation2

r1 is Reservation3

r1 is {-}


highlight 20 to 40 #Cyan : Reservation2 ACK Period
highlight 50 to 70 #Red : Reservation2 ACK Period
highlight 55 to 75 #Gold : Reservation3 ACK Period

r1@20 <-> @40 : "Reservation1 ACK Period"
r1@50 <-> @70 : "Reservation2 ACK Period"
r1@55 <-> @75 : "Reservation3 ACK Period"


Which right now gives the following :

PlantUML diagram

Because of overlapping, the display isn't clear :
Could we have the time constraints not on the same line when overlapping, and could we have hatched overlapping periods to show the overlapping periods different colors ?

commented Jul 10, 2023 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hi V., and all,

Awaiting correction, here is a possible workaround, using '\n' and alpha color

concise "Resource 1" as r1

r1 is {-}

r1 is Reservation1

r1 is Reservation2

r1 is "\n\nReservation3"

r1 is {-}


highlight 20 to 40 #Cyan : Reservation2 ACK Period
highlight 50 to 70 #ff0000CC : Reservation2 ACK Period
highlight 55 to 75 #FFD700CC : \nReservation3 ACK Period

r1@20 <-> @40 : "Reservation1 ACK Period"
r1@50 <-> @70 : "Reservation2 ACK Period"\n
r1@55 <-> @75 : "Reservation3 ACK Period"



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