"left to right direction" in Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

0 votes
asked Aug 24, 2023 in Wanted features by Potherca (430 points)

Would it be possible to have support for left to right direction in Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) diagrams?

Basically if I have this:

* Business Process Modelling WBS
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
*** Measure AsIs performance metrics
*** Identify Quick Wins
** Complete innovate phase

Add "left to right direction" to get somthing like this:

commented Aug 24, 2023 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

[Just for the record, on the same topic of direction layout, similar request ('bottom to top direction') for mindmap here:


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