I have a plantuml components diagram where I have multiple components which by default seems to be placed horizontally but I want them to align vertically. Is it possible to control the layout of plantuml components?
@startuml 'https://plantuml.com/component-diagram component [ABC] as a component [PQR] as p component [XYZ] as x map "some table" as mo{ 1 => 2 => 3 => ... => } a -> mo p -> mo x -> mo @enduml
Hello M., and all,
You can change the layout orientation and adjust the arrow def (`->` to `-->`) with:
left to right direction
Then here is the expected result:
Hi The-Lu,
The diagram seems to be correctly generated at https://www.planttext.com/... but I use PlantUML plugin in IntelliJ where I still do not get the desired result.
Hi M.,
Hi all,
If possible can you share the documentation link related to `->`, `-->` and `left to right direction`?
Changing arrows direction:
Left to right direction: