How to provide a svek file for the positioning to the PlantUML Server ?

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asked Nov 22, 2023 in Wanted features by kasra (1,040 points)
edited Nov 22, 2023 by kasra


PlantUML gives us the possibility to generate the svek file with this command : 

java -jar plantuml.jar -debugsvek filename.puml

Then, the internal drawing system does the final rendering ( at least this is my understanding ) with that svek file that contains the positioning information.

I would love to be able to modify the Svek file and make that new file as the reference file for the positioning.

How can I tell the server to take the provided svek file as the reference for the positioning?

Is it possible?

I experimented a little bit with the different diagrams and the svek file is generated for the following diagrams : 

  • usecase
  • class
  • component
  • deployment
  • object
  • state
  • archimate
What is going on for the others? everything from A to Z is done by PlantUML ( positioning, drawing,rendering) ?


commented Nov 23, 2023 by The-Lu (68,800 points)

Hello K., and all,

For the first question: I don’t have the answer and I don’t think it’s just possible.

Then for:

What is going on for the others?
Everything from A to Z is done by PlantUML (positioning, drawing, rendering)?

You are right.
See doc. here:


commented Nov 23, 2023 by kasra (1,040 points)
edited Nov 23, 2023 by kasra

thanks for the documentation links!

For the first question: I don’t have the answer and I don’t think it’s just possible.

If the positioning phase produces that svek file, I guess this file becomes an input for the rest of the process no? Technically why it's not possible? 

for example ( taken from the plantUML component diagram examples )

this produce this dot output  when we use -debugsvek.

We can't tweak that file and say to the rest of the process take this as an input?

I am really interested in understanding the limitations here.


commented Jan 29 by kasra (1,040 points)

Could you please give a  technical reason why it's not possible?

Should I send an email to the dev team ?

Thanks again for your Help.

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