Preprocessor unexpected indexOutOfBounds

0 votes
asked Dec 19, 2023 in Bug by AI_Mancer (140 points)

PlantUML Version: 1.2023.13
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.5
Operating System: Kubuntu 23.10
Java Version: openjdk 17.0.9 2023-10-17 (OpenJDK Runtime Environment build 17.0.9+9-Ubuntu-123.10; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM build 17.0.9+9-Ubuntu-123.10, mixed mode, sharing)
Description: Encountered a fatal parsing error in PlantUML when accessing the second element of a split string array. The function $getAttributeName is designed to split a string like "Address_id;1-1" at the semicolon, resulting in an array ["Address_id", "1-1"]. Accessing the first element with $splitAttributes[0] returns "Address_id" as expected. However, attempting to access the second element with $splitAttributes[1] results in a "Fatal parsing error" in PlantUML.

Steps to Reproduce:

Use the $getAttributeName function to split a string at the semicolon.
Access the first element of the resulting array, which works as expected.
Attempt to access the second element of the array.
Expected Result: Accessing the second element should return "1-1" without errors.

Actual Result: PlantUML throws a "Fatal parsing error". Additionally, when running through the console, an "index out of bounds" error is observed, despite the log showing the correct attribute.

Additional Information:

A simplified version of the code excluding the full context works as expected, suggesting a potential issue with state management or memory references in PlantUML.
Renaming the $split variable to avoid potential conflicts (e.g., splitAttributes) does not resolve the issue.
The issue might be related to PlantUML's internal handling of arrays or string operations.

Terminal output showcasing the error.
Complete code where the error occurs.
Simplified version of the code where the error does not occur.
Notes: Open to suggestions or insights that might indicate a different cause for this issue. The behavior suggests a potential bug in PlantUML's handling of array element access or string manipulation.

I do not get how to upload the file, hence I paste it here, sorry :/ :

FullCode (notworking)

skinparam linetype ortho
!define pk(x) <b><color:#b8861b><&key></color> x</b>
!define fk(x) <color:#aaaaaa><&key></color> x
!define column(x) <color:#efefef><&media-record></color> x
!function $Rtr($notation)
  !if ($notation == "n")
    !return "}|"
  !elseif ($notation == "cn")
    !return "}o"
  !elseif ($notation == "c")
    !return "|o"
  !elseif ($notation == "1")
    !return "||"

!function $Ltr($notation)
  !if ($notation == "n" || $notation == "m")
    !return "|{"
  !elseif ($notation == "cn")
    !return "o{"
  !elseif ($notation == "c")
    !return "o|"
  !elseif ($notation == "1")
    !return "||"

!procedure $createRelationalEntity($table1, $table2, $table3)
  ($table1, $table2) -- $table3

!procedure $rel($table1, $table2, $relationType)
  !if ($relationType == "n-m")
    !$newEntity = $table1 +"_"+ $table2
    $table1 "n"$Rtr("n")--$Ltr("m")"m" $table2
    $createRelationalEntity($table1, $table2, $newEntity): n-m
  !elseif ($relationType == "1-m")
    $table1 "1"$Rtr("1")--$Ltr("m")"m" $table2
  !elseif ($relationType == "n-1")
    $table1 "n"$Rtr("n")--$Ltr("1")"1" $table2
  !elseif ($relationType == "1-1")
    $table1 "1"$Rtr("1")--$Ltr("1")"1" $table2

!procedure $addForeignKey($entityName, $foreignKeyString)
  !$firstRelParam = getFirstRelParam($entityName, $foreignKeyString)
  !$secondRelParam = getSecondRelParam($foreignKeyString)
  !$cardinality = getCardinality($foreignKeyString)
  $rel($firstRelParam, $secondRelParam, $cardinality)

!function $getTableName($foreignKey)
  !$attributeName = $getAttributeName($foreignKey)
  !$tableName = %splitstr($attributeName, "_")
  !$tableName = $tableName[0]
  !return $tableName

!function $getCardinality($foreignKey)
  !$splitCardinality = %splitstr($foreignKey, ";")
  !log $splitCardinality
  !$cardinality = $splitCardinality[0]
  !return $cardinality

!function $getAttributeName($foreignKey)
  !$splitAttributes = %splitstr($foreignKey, ";")
  !log getAttributeName: fk: $foreignKey Split: $splitAttributes, Split[0], $splitAttributes[0], Split[1]: $splitAttributes[1]
  !$attributeName = $splitAttributes[0]
  !return $attributeName

!function $getFirstRelParam($tableName, $foreignKey)
  !$attributeName = $getAttributeName($foreignKey)
  !return $tableName + "::" + $attributeName

!function $getSecondRelParam($foreignKey)
  !$tableName = $getTableName($foreignKey)
  !return $tableName + "::id"

!procedure $table($name, $fields="attribute1, attribute2, attribute3", $foreignKeys="table1_id;[1-1], table2_id;[1-m], table3_id;[n-m]")
  !$list = %splitstr($fields, ",")
  entity $name {
    !$fkList = %splitstr($foreignKeys, ",")
          !foreach $fk in $fkList
    !foreach $field in $list
  !$fkList = %splitstr($foreignKeys, ",")
      !foreach $fk in $fkList
          !$firstRelParam = $getFirstRelParam($entityName, $foreignKeyString)
          !$secondRelParam = $getSecondRelParam($foreignKeyString)
          !$cardinality = $getCardinality($foreignKeyString)
          $rel($firstRelParam, $secondRelParam, $cardinality)


$table("Customers", "name, firstName, dateOfBirth", "Address_id;1-1")

$rel("Customers", "Order", "n-m")
'$rel("Customers", "Seller", "1-m")
'$rel("Order", "Item", "n-1")
$table("Address", "street, houseNumber, zipCode_id", "zipCode_id;[1-1]")
$getSecondRelParam("Address_id;1-1") -- test


Shortend Code(working):


!function $getAttributeName($foreignKey)
  !$split = %splitstr($foreignKey, ";")
  !log getAttributeName: fk: $foreignKey Split: $split, Split[0], $split[0], Split[1]: $split[1]
  !$attributeName = $split[0]
  !return $attributeName

$getAttributeName("Address_id;1-1") -- test



Log of Fullcode(Could not paste more because of char limit):
[Log] getAttributeName: fk: Address_id;1-1 Split: ["Address_id","1-1"], Split[0], Address_id, Split[1]: 1-1

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1

at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2023 by kirchsth (6,660 points)

Hi AI_Mancer

it is not an error in preprocessor.

You have basically 1 main error in your source (and 2 which could follow):
1) in $table() procedure, you have

      !foreach $fk in $fkList
          !$firstRelParam = $getFirstRelParam($entityName, $foreignKeyString)

    I assume it is copied from $addForeignKey(), and during this step you forgot to set $entityName and $foreignKeyString. With following lines it is working

      !foreach $fk in $fkList
          !$entityName = $name
          !$foreignKeyString = $fk
          !$firstRelParam = $getFirstRelParam($entityName, $foreignKeyString)

2) in the $addForeignKey() procedure you call getFirstRelParam(),.. without `$` like `$getFirstRelParam()`
3) I would avoid !define calls (I think they are outdated, in your case !functions would be the better choice)

BR Helmut


commented Dec 28, 2023 by AI_Mancer (140 points)
Thanks a lot. Yeah, the usual copy error one does ^^.

Probably I was blind to my own code at some point ;).