How to disable the arrow in the else condition?

0 votes
asked Jan 2 in Question / help by jack41402 (160 points)

In my flow chart, I would not like to show the arrow in the else condition.

Although I tried the `kill/detach` method, it doesn't work for me.

skinparam ConditionEndStyle hline

if (reset) then (true)
    :reset password;
(false) elseif (enable) then (true)
    :password do LFSR;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 28 by chris (2,780 points)

If you'd provided an example diagram (powerpoint PNG or something) then it might have been easier to understand the requirement. I've had to guess here. As I wasn't sure on whether you really need the if else syntax I thought I'd propose the deployment diagram as an alternative:

Activity Alt

vs the original:

Original Image
