Centering Ticket and Change Boxes Between Swimlanes in PlantUML

0 votes
asked Feb 26 in Wanted features by htz9898 (120 points)

I want to find a way to center the ticket box and change box within the divider lines between the Commuter and Ticket Vending Machine swimlanes. Can someone help me. 

Diagram in the online editor:




:Start Session;

|Ticket vending machine|

:Request Trip Info;


:Provide Trip Info;

|Ticket vending machine|

:Process Trip Info;

:Request Payment;


:Provide Payment Info;

|Ticket vending machine|

:Process Payment;

if() then ([card with pay])


:Authorize Card Payment;

else ([pay with cash])


|Ticket vending machine|

:Dispense Ticket;



:Get Ticket;

|Ticket vending machine|

if() then ([paid with cash and with change])

:Dispense Change;



:Get Change;


|Ticket vending machine|

:Show Thank You;




1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 26 by The-Lu (74,900 points)
selected Feb 26 by htz9898
Best answer

Hello H., and all,

1/ To center, just change label from:

[paid with cash and with change]


[paid with cash\nand with change]

2/ And for the second point:

  • What is your request?
  • Which box would do like to change?

If that can help,

commented Feb 26 by htz9898 (120 points)

I'm sorry if my question caused confusion, but the image below is what I desire

commented Feb 26 by The-Lu (74,900 points)
Hi H.,

Thanks for the precision, and the image.

That is not yet explicitly possible.
But that will be a wanted feature...

commented Feb 26 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Here is a simple current workaround:

commented Feb 26 by htz9898 (120 points)
Hi Th

Thank you very much
