Embedding other diagrams with {{}} doesn't work with atxt/utxt output

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asked Mar 6 in Wanted features by kgibm (120 points)

I've been embedding deployment diagrams in sequence diagram notes successfully to produce PNGs. However, when I try to use -atxt or -utxt to create ASCII diagrams, it prints the raw deployment code with curly braces instead of showing the ASCII output. Could this be added please?

Example PlantUML: https://stackoverflow.com/a/78110603/1293660

Example atxt output:

[... snipped because the forum has a max post limit ...]
          ║         ╟──────┌─────────────────────┐───┌─────────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────────┐     ║         ║
          ║         ║      │{{                   │   │{{                   │   │{{                   │     ║         ║
          ║         ║      │  rectangle Server1  │   │  rectangle Server2  │   │  rectangle Server3  │     ║         ║
          ║         ║      │}}                   │   │}}                   │   │}}                   │     ║         ║
[... snipped because the forum has a max post limit ...]

Example PNG output:

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