If I have the following code:
* @brief Check the status and perform an action accordingly.
* This function checks the status of a boolean variable and performs
* different actions based on its value.
* @param[in] bStatus The boolean status to check.
void checkStatus(bool bStatus) {
/// First, check the status
if (bStatus) {
/// Everything is good, run the process
} else {
/// There was a problem, report an error
How might I go about writing/combining the Doxygen comments within the code itself to produce the following when Doxygen is run and uses the PlantUML engine.
/// @startuml
/// start
/// if (status) is (valid) then
/// :Everything is good, run the process;
/// else
/// :There was a problem, report an error
/// endif
/// end
/// @enduml
If I have the comments all in one block, it works fine, but when it is split across multiple lines like below I get errors thrown by PlantUML.
* @brief Check the status and perform an action accordingly.
* This function checks the status of a boolean variable and performs
* different actions based on its value.
* @param[in] bStatus The boolean status to check.
void checkStatus(bool bStatus) {
/// @startuml
/// start
/// if (status) is (valid) then
if (bStatus) {
/// :Everything is good, run the process
} else {
/// else
/// :There was a problem, report an error
/// endif
/// @enduml
Is this even possible?
Thank you for your time.