Syntax Error when adding style on embedding diagram

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asked Apr 4 in Question / help by kasra (1,040 points)
reshown Apr 5 by kasra


the following is of course working



node {

BackgroundColor red



+ A

++ B


this also works (the syntax error is not yet thrown)





+ A

++ B



But this is KO I have a Syntax Error ( tested on 1.2024.4beta6 )




node {

BackgroundColor red



+ A

++ B



Is it a way of adding style on embedded diagram ?


commented Apr 5 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hi K., and all,

[In fact it is due to the old SDL shape management...]

Here is a workaround, using one-line... wink

:{{mindmap\n<style>\nnode {\nBackgroundColor red\n}\n</style>\n+ A\n++ B\n}};


commented Apr 5 by kasra (1,040 points)
even if it's not ideal at least it solves the issue.

Should we consider this a "wanted feature" if we would like to achieve this in multiple line?

as usual THANKS, man.

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